This white paper explains the benefits to the extended enterprise of the on-¬‐premise, online file sharing storage solution from EMC Syncplicity using EMC Isilon, EMC Atmos, and EMC VNX. It also discusses solution deployment and load balancing options.
Executive summary
Today’s corporate employees expect to have access to data and services across all their devices as if they were working at the corporate office. Online file sharing (OFS) is growing in popularity because it helps users access their work files from any device. However, to achieve this, IT must adopt enterprise-¬‐grade solutions that give users the access they need while providing the security and controls that protect company data.
To deliver this level of control and protection, EMC® Syncplicity® has launched an on-¬‐ premise storage solution that combines the unmatched flexibility and ease of use of EMC Syncplicity’s cloud-¬‐based file sync and sharing technology with a secure, on-¬‐premise storage infrastructure based on EMC Isilon, EMC Atmos and EMC VNX storage. EMC VNX provides a powerful, yet simple way to manage data and applications, enabling enterprises to expect much more from their storage. EMC uniquely provides enterprises a single vendor end-¬‐to-¬‐end solution to simplify deployments and to provide a single point of contact for your online file sharing needs.