An NTP Software White Paper
Allocating resources to high-cost storage for low-use data doesn’t make sense. Most organizations would rather match storage to data and use the saved budgetary resources for other projects. NTP Software Precision Tiering™ makes it easy for you to find and migrate data automatically to the most appropriate storage tier, ensure proper archiving of valuable data, meet compliance and governance requirements, and ensure proper data protection.
Executive Summary
Over the last few years, file data (also called unstructured data) has grown explosively. On most networks, file data accounts for 85% or more of the total storage requirements. Managing this data effectively is now one of the most important tasks for many organizations.
For years, migrating data from primary storage to other storage tiers has been a part of many companies’ data management strategies, both for data protection and as a way to control costs. However, with the explosive growth of file data, managing the costs and resources of data migration have made the benefits more difficult to recognize.
The cost of conventional data migration methods is essentially proportional to the amount of data in primary storage. As the quantity of file data increases – which it continues to do at an average rate of about 50% a year (per Gartner Group) – the required resources of conventional data migration methods increases commensurately.
In fact, some end-user organizations have already reached the point where their data migration windows are too small to accommodate all of the processes that need to be done to maintain their data migration strategy.
The solution – efficient data migration – is a paradigm shift to Precision Tiering. With Precision Tiering, the majority of the operating cost and resources demanded by conventional data migration are eliminated, while all of the benefits are preserved. Precision Tiering makes it easy for you to find and migrate data automatically to the most appropriate storage tier, ensure proper archiving of valuable data, meet compliance and governance requirements, and ensure proper data protection.