In business, backup and disaster recovery planning is a must-have, not an optional extra.
Nearly seven in ten large British companies were affected by cyber crime during the last year. The average cost of these attacks and breaches is estimated at around £20,000, but in some cases the losses ran to millions. Businesses of all sizes were affected, with nearly a fifth taking a day or more to recover.
Businesses storing personal data were the worst affected, but cyber crime impacts on every sector. The threat to UK business from cyber criminals is growing. News coverage of cyber crime-especially when it involves ransomware like WannaCry-is extensive, so customers are aware of the effects of these attacks. This can undermine their confidence in your organisation.
However, many cyber attacks can be prevented when you have a backup and disaster recovery plan in place. Contact us now on 020 7157 9845 to find out how Core DataCloud can help you safeguard your business.
Our approach minimises the impact of cyber crime on your systems, and maximises uptime. If the worst does happen and your systems fail completely, Core DataCloud can get your business up and running again in as little as 20 minutes.
Backup and Disaster Recovery from Core DataCloud
We deliver backup and data recovery solutions, powered by next-generation Rubrik technology. Our three-stage strategy offers quick, complete recovery from cyber attacks and breaches, saving you money and securing the confidence of your customers.
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Our range of fully managed backup solutions for physical & virtual environments ensure your data & applications are secure & safe.